Contents page | Winboard setup | Command line parameters | Commands reference | Licence and Warranty
autod | - Toggle auto display of board. |
ext | - Show/Set extension values. |
hash | - Show/Set hash table size (in mega-bytes). |
loadeval | - Load evaluation settings [default="glc.eval"]. |
noise | - Set noise level for thinking posts. |
null | - Toggle null move pruning in search. |
saveeval | - Save evaluation settings [default="glc.eval"]. |
setresign | - Show/Set the resign score to use (set to 0 to disable resigning). |
showpvh | - Toggle display of hash key values in PV. |
showpvq | - Toggle display of quiesence moves in PV. |
The autod command toggles the autodisplaying of the current position after each move.
The ext command allows the user to view or set the extension values used in the search. A value of 0 will swich the corresponding extension off. It is probably not a good idea to set any extension value higher than 1. The values are accurate only to 1/8 of a ply.
If you use this command with no parameters, it reports the current extension settings. Otherwise, you must supply 4 numbers, one for each of the extensions. The numbers are real values.
ext [chk recap pp 1rep]
ext 0 0 0 0
ext 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
ext 1 0 0 0
The hash command is used to see or to set the current hash size in mega-bytes. For (slightly) more information, see the -hash command line parameter.
hash [hash-MB]
hash 6
hash 24
hash 1
Green Light has the ability to load and save most of it's static evaluation constants. The loadeval command is used to load the constants from a file on disk. If you don't specify a file name to load from, the name "glcXXX.eval" will be used (where XXX stands for the version of Green Light Chess being used.) See also the saveeval command.
loade[val] [file-name]
loadeval my-evaluation-file.eval
The noise command is used to set the number of nodes that have to be searched before any thinking reports will be produced. It defaults to 5000 nodes. When running under WinBoard this gets set to 0 nodes.
noi[se] noise-level
noise 0
noise 50000
noise 1000000
The null command can be used to switch off null move pruning. This can be useful to see whether a position is affected by Zugzwang.
Green Light has the ability to load and save most of it's static evaluation constants. The saveeval command is used to save these constants to a file on disk (this file is a simple text file which you can view and edit using Notepad.) If you don't specify a file name to save to, the name "glcXXX.eval" will be used (where XXX stands for the version of Green Light Chess being used.) See also the loadeval command.
savee[val] [file-name]
saveeval my-evaluation-file.eval
The setresign command is used to view or set the current resign level. If the command is used without a parameter, the current resign level is displayed. Set the resign level to 0 to disable resigning. Otherwise the value is the resign score in pawns. The default value is 6.5.
setr[esign] [resign-score-in-pawns]
setresign 0
setresign 8
The showpvh command toggles display of hash key values in PV
The showpvq command toggles display of quiesence moves in PV
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Page last updated by Tim Foden on the 17th March 2003.