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The version for WinBoard is available in the zip file glc218-wb.zip (240K).
I have tested this with version 4.2.3 of WinBoard (see Tim Mann's site for current versions of WinBoard).
WinBoard facilities supported by GLC | |
Move now | Yes |
Edit position | Yes |
Analyse | Yes |
Ponder | Yes |
Resign | Yes. Will resign after 3 successive searches produce a score <= -6.5. If playing a wild5 game GLC will resign after 3 successive search produce a score of <= -25 |
Hash table | Initally 6MB. Use "-hash n" command line parameter to change. |
Opening book | Yes (use GlcBook to create). Select "Help/Book..." to probe book with current position. |
Table bases | No |
Log file | Yes. Use "-log" command line parameter to switch this on. Log file will be called "glc218.log" |
In order to use GLC as an engine under WinBoard you can use a
command line like this:
C:\>winboard /fcp="glc218-wb -hash 24" /fd="c:\Program Files\GLC"
You just need to replace "c:\Program Files\GLC"
with the
directory where you have installed the executable on your machine.
Alternatively, you can edit the WinBoard.ini file. Here is an example
section of the WinBoard.ini file with GLC installed for both the
first and second computer dropdown list boxes, asking for 24MB hash tables:
\"glc218-wb -hash 24\" /fd=\"c:\\Program Files\\GLC\"
\"glc218-wb -hash 24\" /sd=\"c:\\Program Files\\GLC\"
The hash sizes available in the current engine are:
1MB | 1.5MB | 3MB | 6MB | 12MB | 24MB | 48MB | 96MB | 192MB |
You will be allocated the largest hash table size that is smaller than or equal to the size you specify. NOTE: Please take care to allocate a small enough hash table to fit in the memory of your machine. A good recommendation is to use at most half of your ram size as a hash table.
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Finally, an older (roughly equivalent to version 2.08 of the main
WinBoard engine) WinCE PPC MIPS version is available from the
zip file glc09-ppc211.zip (88K).
This is a bit of a pain to compile, as I have to copy the code onto
my portable Win98 machine, compile it, and copy it back... so I haven't
updated the engine in this yet.
Unfortuanetely I have only compiled this for MIPS processors, so if
you have any other kind of processor in your WinCE machine, it
definately won't work.
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GlcBook is now at version 1.4, and is available
via the zip file glcbook14.zip (91K).
This version now adds information into the book file that
records the frequencies of moves taken from a position. The new
engine will use this information to weight its random choices
of moves. This means that GLC will now very rarely choose strange
opening lines. This ability can be switched off in the book
builder by using the command line parameter "-nocount".
The default opening book for GLC is always called "opening.book", and
should reside in the same directory as the executable file (e.g. the
same place as
There is currently no way to remove openings from the book file.
You can however keep adding as many as you want.
A short example is will probably be clearest. To create an opening
book from Crafty's small opening book
you just need to start a DOS Prompt, change to the directory where
you have installed the programs, and enter the sequence:
or glc218-wb.exe
It is possible, however, for the opening book to be specified for
the WinBoard version of GLC using the command line parameter
"-book <bookname>>"
NOTE: If you type GlcBook on its own, with no parameters, it will give a short description of the parameters it will accept. e.g.:
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Four prebuilt books are also available for download.
The first is a book built from Crafty's small.txt (see example below for how this is done). This file has the name opening.book as it is intended to be the default book for Green Light Chess. It is downloadable in zip file form from the file opening.zip (117K).
The second book has been created by Carlos Pesce. In his own words, here is a description of the contents of the book.
Hi Tim!!
Here is a book with:
White: e4, d4, c4 and Nf3
Black: Sicilian, French and Petroff against e4; Grunfeld, Slav and
Volga against d4; c5 against c4 and d5 against Nf3, f4 and g3.
It was built with separate black and white books: carlos.zip (350K). The zip file expands to a file called carlos.book. You can specify that GLC is to use this book by adding the command line parameters "-book carlos.book".
This file contains a tree for white and a tree for black, merged into a single file. You can add new opening sequences for either white or black, or simultaneously for both colours. The openings are added from a PGN file containing the lines you want to add.
The third and fourth books have both been created by Arturo Ochoa.
The third is a very large book GreenLightChess211_2001_opening_book.zip (58M), that is available from Dann Corbit's FTP site. I think (but I'm not sure... don't sue me!) it was generated from a PGN file that is separately available. There is a readme file available that describes the contents of the book.
The fourth is a cut down version of the previous book, and this is also available from Dann Corbit's FTP site. , called greenlight211_2600ob001.zip (2.3M).
Although these books say that they have been created for v2.11 of GLC, they will also work with later versions. In particular they also work with v2.18 of GLC ;-)
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For WinBoard see Tim Mann's site.
To get the chess fonts that are supported by GLC, and for help on printing chess diagrams, see Hans Bodlaender's True Type chess fonts and Chess Variants site.
If you want to know anything about WinBoard and the free (or otherwise?) chess engines that can be used with it, the first place to visit is Frank Quinksy's excellent site.
An evaluation of WinBoard chess engines, using a simplified rating scheme, is available at Volker Pittlik's site.
George Lyapko runs two tournaments for WinBoard compatible engines. There is a continuous round robin 40/5min blitz tournament, where GLC 2.11 is currently in position 13/83, with a rating of 2406 ELO (2 March 2001). He also runs a Game/30min round robin tournament with 6 leagues. GLC 2.11 recently came 4th in league B (26 February 2001). GLC's rating from the G/30 tournaments is currently 2356 ELO (17/75). For more info see his main WinBoard page.
For Blitz tournament results that include lots of WinBoard engines go WYx's site. This site also has a ranked list of estimated Blitz ELO for these engines (GL ranked 19/53, 2241 ELO as of 29-6-2000).
For a nice review of an older version of GLC see Rae West's site. Rae has a very interesting site... it is worth going to his home page just to be awed by the extent of it!